8-14 September 04


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8-14 December 04
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22-28 December 04
29 Dec 04-11 Jan 05

Jasmine was watching one of her Psalty videotapes the afternoon of Friday, 3-September when she says she invited Jesus to be her Savior and Lord!

She shared this with me during our bedtime Bible story time, so I asked Shirin to come in to hear Jasmine's testimony. All I could think of was the "faith of a child" admonition of Jesus, but I still went through the child's edition of the "Eternal Life" tract. Jasmine answered the open-ended questions with the heart felt belief of one who has been changed.

We talked about baptism, and she's a bit intimidated by the water; however, during a recent visit to the dentist and the beach, Jasmine said she "baptized herself" by putting her head under the waves. This tells me that she's either been thinking about it or it was " a way out." <g>

Pray with me that I will disciple my daughter/sister with the relationship I have with the Master... well, as it turns out, Shirin says Jasmine "does this" every time she sees that Psalty video; however, tonight was the first time Jasmine ever told me about it. Shirin also mentions that Jasmine's "attitude" is still present (sigh)

I still believe, however, that Jasmine is learning the vocabulary and beginning to get a handle on the whole situation.

Hmm, seems that last week's "interactive map" didn't cooperate (imagine that). Try this... go to http://www.emap.co.il/ and click on the 'English' button near the top of the page; hopefully, all should go well (but, then again, it is computer related <g>).

While visiting the IMB's page, I noticed the latest update for this year's International Emphasis and trust you'll visit the new page, too!

Since we always need "one more" person to pray for us, please feel free to recommend the 'Wednesday Weekly' to other like-minded intercessors in your circle of friends. Invite them either to send an e-mail or to subscribe at our website.

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

* Be sure to sign up for the Wednesday Weekly.

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ As Jasmine showed a great deal of empathy, we asked that she might use it to help friends at school adjust... she was quite the trooper on the first day and fit right in the following days. I think her newfound friendships will make a lasting impression.

+ You prayed for Omar to be convicted of sin and the need for a Saviour... wouldn't you know it? Our scheduled appointments were interrupted. Do continue to pray over him.

+ You asked God to help me and Shirin cope with Jasmine's next stage of life as an official Kindergartner... I never thought something like this would take so much out of me ("Just wait until the wedding - huh, Dad?") Your focused intercession was a deep blessing, and we thank you for it!

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Pray that, uh, "delayed approval" to get work at the Prayer Center moving will be granted soon.

<>< Shirin and some co-workers are having a planning session for a fun day at the girls home. Please pray with them that every activity and story will point the girls to the loving Father.

<>< I'm looking forward to helping a co-worker set up a local bank account and could definitely use your intercession on Thursday, especially since these "bank things" have more misunderstandings than clarity.

>< Pray for the Buryat of Russia. >


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

1, Pray with Scott as he goes to 183 lbs. this term.

* I'm hoping to drop another 30 lbs. like last time, and your intercession will help.

2, Jasmine started school yesterday. Pray for her.

* She's doing remarkably well, a completely different girl - growing up?

3-4, Pray for Shirin and a co-worker to plant seeds at the Lazarus home for girls.

* Your ongoing intercession is deeply appreciated as they work together.

5, Pray for a worshipful encounter with God today.

* Seeing Jasmine emerge from Sunday School with a huge smile, a piece of construction paper with hands drawn on it, and the words "See the nail prints in His hands?" was, indeed, a most worshipful encounter.

6-7, Pray for Jasmine to make friends and be able to share Jesus with them.

* This girl knows no stranger! She tells us of new friends almost every day, and today she began ballet classes. I can tell she'll be eager to share Jesus with them, too.



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