13 June-3 July 07


1-2 January 07
3-9 January 07
10-16 January 07
17-23 January 07
24-30 January 07
31 Jan-6 Feb 07
7-13 February 07
14-20 February 07
21-27 February 07
28 Feb-20 Mar 07
21-27 March 07
28 March-3 April 07
4-10 April 07
11-17 April 07
18-24 April 07
25 Apr-1 May 07
2-8 May 07
9-15 May 07
16-22 May 07
23-29 May 07
30 May-5 June 07
6-12 June 07
13 June-3 July 07
4-10 July 07
11-17 July 07
18-24 July 07

You did it!!

Southern Baptists set a new record for giving through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering:


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Record $150 million offering to send more workers.

"After the books closed May 31, the final tally hit $150,178,098.06, an 8.9 percent increase over last year's $137.9 million..."

Your sacrificial giving has made a tremendous difference, and I want you to know how grateful Shirin, Jasmine, and I are.

Lest we rest on our laurels (that's not where they belong, anyway) I'm tickled pink to let you know that our goal for 2007 will be $165 million.

The opportunities to engage more lost people with the saving news of Jesus Christ will be made possible in part by how you pray, what you give, and when you'll go.

You're making a difference as we remain,

Together in the Great Commission,

PS - Wanna see your Cooperative Program dollars at work? Take a look at this (another proud reason to be a Southern Baptist):

Churches preparing for Virginia Tech’s fall term.

+ <L A S T  W E E K><

+ You prayed for Scott as he finished a number of tasks before taking his family on a two-week vacation to Jordan... last week saw pound 36 leave Scott in 39 weeks; however, the task of healthy living is not finished. Co-workers gave us a "soon-to-be-going-away" party and, wow, was that some good cake! The more tasks I crossed off my list, the more that surfaced. Your prayers, however, went a long way and I am most grateful.

+ As Jasmine finished local school, Shirin asked prayer to allow her to accomplish the various needs she has in addition to helping Jasmine finish A Beka homeschool... Shirin says many needs were accomplished along with super progress toward helping Jasmine finish A Beka homeschool. As of this writing, Jasmine has a baker's dozen of lessons to go.

+ Jasmine wanted to have lots of fun during her last few days of school, and she especially wanted to share her testimony during last Wednesday's final Religion class and another time for "those who might be absent," she said... oh, how excited she was to tell us how she shared how Jesus changed her life! She has also been able to talk more intimately with friends during lunch and on the playground. Thank you for praying!

<T H E S E  W E E K S><

<>< Scott asks prayer for the preparations needed to make a permanent move to another country, away from Jerusalem.

<>< Shirin asks that God's will for our lives be made clear during our vacation and the days following.

<>< Jasmine asks for a safe, fun-filled visit to Jordan.

<* Pray for the Kayastha of India.><



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