28 Feb-20 Mar 07


1-2 January 07
3-9 January 07
10-16 January 07
17-23 January 07
24-30 January 07
31 Jan-6 Feb 07
7-13 February 07
14-20 February 07
21-27 February 07
28 Feb-20 Mar 07
21-27 March 07
28 March-3 April 07
4-10 April 07
11-17 April 07
18-24 April 07
25 Apr-1 May 07
2-8 May 07
9-15 May 07
16-22 May 07
23-29 May 07
30 May-5 June 07
6-12 June 07
13 June-3 July 07
4-10 July 07
11-17 July 07
18-24 July 07

Yes, you read that correctly: this edition of the Wednesday Weekly is good for three weeks (and it won't go bad in your refrigerator <g>). I'll be assisting a co-worker as he helps our colleagues with computer training and, ironically, I'm not certain about the availability of an Internet connection :*-)

As a bonus, however, I've added a humorous (?) picture :*-)
An angel says to a computer tech guy standing at the Pearly Gates, "Sorry we had to kill you, but it was the only way we could get some computer tech support up here."

Finally, this video clip tells a little about how fast technology is moving, and it made me wonder about how we as God's people are either "keeping up with the times" or at least making use of modern tools to share an eternal message.

+ <L A S T  W E E K><

+ You helped Scott tie up loose ends by praying for "closure" as he prepared for an upcoming trip to help co-workers with computer issues...wow, "when it rains, it pours" proved so true this past week. I was deeply appreciative of your specific intercession as I thought about you with each task. Thank you :-)

+ Shirin and a co-worker had been meeting with two deaf ladies, so you joined them in praying that the ladies would bring their friends last week to do a craft project together. You also prayed that this would be the beginning of a deaf ladies group for the purpose of sharing Bible stories with them... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. The deaf ladies were invited to come again and join us for a craft project by the director of the center. When it was time to start the craft the ladies had not arrived. The director thinks that the ladies had a lot of house work to do and were too embarrassed to tell us they couldn't come."

+ Jasmine asked prayer to help her share with her friends about Jesus... Jasmine says, "I have been telling them about Heaven and Hell, trusting that Jesus will do the rest."

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Cover Scott in daily prayer over the next few weeks as he lightens the load of our Regional IT Specialist by helping out with computer maintenance. Pray, too, that both of them would remember that sharing the Good News is their primary responsibility and they'd do it!

<>< Please pray that as Shirin and a co-worker finish up another course of English classes they will take advantage of opportunities to pray and share with the ladies in their homes.

<>< Please pray that Shirin and a co-worker will take advantage of another opportunity to meet with the deaf ladies in order to start a group for the purpose of sharing Bible stories with them.

<* Pray for the Arian Muslims of Pakistan.><



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