17-23 January 07


1-2 January 07
3-9 January 07
10-16 January 07
17-23 January 07
24-30 January 07
31 Jan-6 Feb 07
7-13 February 07
14-20 February 07
21-27 February 07
28 Feb-20 Mar 07
21-27 March 07
28 March-3 April 07
4-10 April 07
11-17 April 07
18-24 April 07
25 Apr-1 May 07
2-8 May 07
9-15 May 07
16-22 May 07
23-29 May 07
30 May-5 June 07
6-12 June 07
13 June-3 July 07
4-10 July 07
11-17 July 07
18-24 July 07

So what do you suppose we can do?

Use of Qu'ran in oath splits conservatives.

+ <L A S T  W E E K><

+ Scott continued to ask prayer for a closer, deeper knowledge of God's will as he walks in the revealed light from on High... oh, my how He revealed and confirmed so much this week! Thank you for praying!

+ Shirin and a co-worker had started doing English classes in the West Bank again, and you joined them in praying for more opportunities to visit the ladies in their homes to share the Good News where they're more comfortable... Shirin writes, “Thank you for praying. One lady invited us to her house and now we are trying to work out a time to visit her.”

+ You also joined Shirin in praying for her friend who has cancer. You prayed that her second surgery would remove all of the cancer, and you prayed for a speedy recovery in order for her to start chemotherapy and radiation treatment soon. Shirin mentioned that her friend planned to visit family in Europe after the surgery and before chemotherapy and she asked for prayer for her parents to have a born-again experience while she is with them... Shirin writes, “Thank you so much for your prayers is what my friend wants me to pass on to you. I saw her at a prayer breakfast and was able to hear how God blessed her on her day of surgery. Her doctor is very helpful and understanding, something that has been hard to find here. On the day of her surgery a women my friend has been witnessing to stayed the whole day with her in the hospital, sharing the gospel with people. Just before my friend went into surgery a male nurse came in to get her last minute information. Of course he asked her job here and so she told him and he admitted he was a messianic believer and was surprised to know that Muslims wanted to believe in Jesus. My friend is feeling some discomfort, but overall she doing well and preparing to visit her family for two weeks before chemotherapy.”

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Give thanks for the progress being made at the Prayer Center! The foyer leading to an upper room for prayer is being re-done!

<>< Join Shirin in praying for the starting back of the Bible study in the Old City of Jerusalem. Please pray that the women will show a desire to grow spiritually in their love for Jesus.

<>< Jasmine's 2nd grade class has begun going to the library, and Jasmine is an avid, hungry reader; however, she says the noise level in the library is terrible and asks that you would pray for it to be quiet.

<* Pray for the Madiga of India.><



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