24-30 January 07


1-2 January 07
3-9 January 07
10-16 January 07
17-23 January 07
24-30 January 07
31 Jan-6 Feb 07
7-13 February 07
14-20 February 07
21-27 February 07
28 Feb-20 Mar 07
21-27 March 07
28 March-3 April 07
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25 Apr-1 May 07
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16-22 May 07
23-29 May 07
30 May-5 June 07
6-12 June 07
13 June-3 July 07
4-10 July 07
11-17 July 07
18-24 July 07

Shirin once suggested I get a hobby, but computers have now turned into more 'work related' stuff. I stumbled across a fun site to help create a Family Tree. I hope you have as much fun as I've had (so far <g>).

Wal-Mart still dabbling in support of homosexual agenda.
"...Christians can make a difference if they will call Wal-Mart at 1-800-925-6278 and then choose options 1, 4, 3 and then 3 on the phone tree. (It is advised) to express (one's) disapproval of the online bookstore content in a polite way and to ask if Wal-Mart would discontinue selling the homosexual-supporting books."

+ <L A S T  W E E K><

+ You gave thanks for the progress being made at the Prayer Center as the foyer leading to an upper room for prayer was being re-done...once the finishing touches are done, it will look quite nice. Thanks for praying.

+ You joined Shirin in praying for the starting back of the Bible study in the Old City of Jerusalem as you prayed that the women would show a desire to grow spiritually in their love for Jesus...Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. We had a small group but you could tell from the ladies prayers that they were trusting and depending on the Lord for more of their everyday needs."

+ Jasmine's 2nd grade class had begun going to the library, and Jasmine is an avid, hungry reader; however, she said the noise level in the library is terrible and asked that you would pray for it to be quiet... Jasmine says, "The library is a lot quieter now, thanks to your praying! Also, I get to help the librarian!"

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< New carpet is to be installed in what was going to be a Research Center for unreached people groups but will now serve as an "Upper Room" for prayer. Join us in asking God for each detail to be ironed out.

<>< Shirin and a co-worker will be visiting some ladies from the English class. Join them in praying that bridges will be built (and crossed!) in order to share the good news with them.

<>< Jasmine has upcoming tests and asks that you would pray for her study habits to get better so she can do well on the tests. (She finished third out of 27 last semester with a 95 average but, like her dad, is happy but never satisfied <g>.)

<* Pray for the Koiri of India.><



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