25 Apr-1 May 07


1-2 January 07
3-9 January 07
10-16 January 07
17-23 January 07
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31 Jan-6 Feb 07
7-13 February 07
14-20 February 07
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28 Feb-20 Mar 07
21-27 March 07
28 March-3 April 07
4-10 April 07
11-17 April 07
18-24 April 07
25 Apr-1 May 07
2-8 May 07
9-15 May 07
16-22 May 07
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30 May-5 June 07
6-12 June 07
13 June-3 July 07
4-10 July 07
11-17 July 07
18-24 July 07

I usually put links like this one at the end, but this one warrants a 'top billing.' Emir Caner is the dean of the College at Southwestern and Professor of History. He is the co-author of several books, including "Unveiling Islam."

>> Is the god of Islam the God of the Bible

+ <L A S T  W E E K><

+ You prayed for a clear cut direction for the Prayer Center... there was certainly some serious praying going on as a clear cut direction developed. We're asking God to give us an "Advocate Church" and an "Advocate Person," both to be tools of intercession to lead the Prayer Center.

+ You joined us in asking for ongoing safety for those who've come specifically to intercede for the various people groups of the land... all went well in terms of safety, and we thank you for asking!

+ You prayed against the negative influence Jasmine's local school is having on her... Jasmine says it's not as bad as it has been and asks you to continue praying against it.

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Scott asks for continued wisdom from on High as he works with various computer glitches among co-workers.

<>< Please join Shirin and coworkers in praying for the Ladies meeting that will be held at the Garden Tomb. Pray for many ladies to respond to Jesus' invitation to follow Him. Pray also that God's angels will surround the area and keep out negative spirits that could interfere with the ladies hearing the whole truth.

<>< Ask God to provide Jasmine with a school that will positively influence her character and supplement what she receives at home.

<* Pray for the Lohar of India.><

Vista Advice

Fred Langa of www.langa.com has this to say:

If you're running a well-tuned, stable copy of XP and it meets your needs, there's no four-alarm reason to drop everything and upgrade to Vista right away. But that's not the same thing as saying we should forget about Vista completely.

Make no mistake, sooner or later, Vista is in your future. All of Microsoft's products have a defined and published "
life cycle," and Microsoft will "retire" full support for XP Home and Professional on Apr. 14, 2009. That's just two years from now. (emphasis Scott's)

XP will continue to work after that date, of course. But you can think of Apr. 14, 2009, as the date when Microsoft's support attentions will turn away from XP. For the next five years thereafter (until 2014), online self-help for XP (e.g., the Knowledge Base) will remain available. Microsoft may, if it chooses, continue to release critical patches and updates.

But one way or another, if you want to continue to work with a Windows operating system, you will have to make friends with Vista. Therefore, I think it's just plain bad advice - downright silly, in fact - to say "forget about Vista." But it's also silly to say, "You're doomed unless you upgrade to Vista immediately." Both extremes are wrong.
Source: http://WindowsSecrets.com/comp/070419



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