8-14 March 06


1-3 January 06
4-10 January 06
11-17 January 06
18-24 January 06
25-31 January 06
1-7 February 06
8-14 February 06
15-21 February 06
22 Feb-7 Mar 06
8-14 March 06
15-21 March 06
22-28 March 06
29 March-4 April 06
5-11 April 06
12-18 April 06
19-25 April 06
26 April-2 May 06
3-9 May 06
10-16 May 06
17-23 May 06
24-30 May 06
31 May-6 June 06
7-13 June 06
14-20 June 06
21-27 June 06
28 June-4 July 06
5-18 July 06
19 July-1 Aug 06
2-8 August 06
9-15 August 06
16-22 August 06
23 Aug-5 Sep 06
6-12 September 06
13-19 September 06
20-26 September 06
27 Sep-3 Oct 06
4-10 October 06
11-17 October 06
18-24 October 06
25-31 October 06
1-7 November 06
8-14 November 06
15-21 November 06
22-28 November 06
29 Nov-5 Dec 06
6-12 December 06
13-19 December 06
20-26 December 06
27-31 December 06

Words cannot describe the fun and joy I experienced during the "computer help week," and I thank you for praying. As our "resident technical support" person, I have undertaken the task of learning how to use either a Pocket PC or a Smartphone. The combination cell phone/PDA will not only reduce the load of my pockets, but it will also allow me the opportunity to help a co-worker reduce his frustration with forgotten appointments and overall productivity.

The model is a Poz cp-x315 and, unfortunately, the instruction book is not available in English. I have yet to find it online so, if you see it, feel free to pass along the URL.

'Ten Commandments' now on DVD

I'm glad to have you with us. Have an awesome week! May God find us listening more attentively to His voice this week as I am,

Yours because His,


Matthew 24:14

+ <L A S T  W E E K>< +

+ Scott was gone two weeks ago to help a co-worker help other co-workers with computer woes, and you prayed that his time would be used to the utmost for the Kingdom... We took care of sixteen computers belonging to a dozen the people the first three days. I stopped counting after that, and I firmly believe the Kingdom will be impacted as a result. Thank you for praying!

+ The Lazarus Home for Girls celebrated their ninth year anniversary two weeks ago, and you joined Shirin and Jasmine in praying that this year the girls and staff of the home would embrace Christ in their lives... Shirin writes, "Your prayers are deeply appreciated. We all had a wonderful time dancing and eating, two of the most important elements to a party here. There was even a Christian puppet group that came and shared some moral truths with the girls and two boys."

+ Jasmine asked for continued prayer to help her do well on what she said would be written evaluations in Arabic... Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. Jasmine received a 100% on her evaluation and is learning that preparation and prayer are helping her succeed in all she undertakes."

<T H I S  W E E K><

<>< Several tour groups have expressed interest in visiting the Prayer Center. Join us in praying that these groups will catch the vision of praying for unreached people groups.

<>< Shirin and a co-laborer will be visiting a lady who has a new baby. Please join them in praying for an opportunity to share the importance of a born again experience.

<>< Jasmine asks for strength to do her best at school.

<* Pray for the Kurmi of India.><


<If you're not receiving our bimonthly snail-mail newsletter, let us know so we can send it to you!><

22, Share the Wednesday Weekly tonite!

* I trust you did so :-)

23, Pray over Jasmine’s friends.

* I often realize how few people pray and how even fewer people pray specifically, especially for these friends of Jasmine's. Thank you!

24, Pray for the girls and staff members at the Lazarus Home to know Jesus as Saviour. Only the Director has a Christian background.

* Shirin writes, "Thank you for praying. Seeds are being planted and we are praying and waiting on the Lord for the harvest."

25, Join us in asking God to bring volunteers to become part of the workings of the Prayer Center.

* The Prayer Center is going through some 'vision adjusting,' and these volunteers will soon be needed.

26, Pray for a lost person to come to Jesus today.

* I had chance to hear of one who close and would later ride with him in a taxi; unfortunately, he didn't make a positive decision to follow Jesus but is equipped with a few more answers to his objections.

27, Pray for Jasmine to have good concentration at the local Schmidt School and in homeschool.

* Shirin writes, "Your prayers are working. Jasmine is still having wiggly teeth trouble, but she is doing better concentrating on her school work."

28, Pray for Jasmine’s salvation.

* When I wrote this for the snail-mail newsletter, it had not happened; however, we continue to celebrate His joy of January 5, 2006!

1, Pray that our focus would stay on the Main Thing.

* We've been experiencing numerous distractions and remain ever so grateful for your focused intercession!

2-4, We’ll soon begin medical exams and ask that you pray for our medical clearance to stay on the field.

* Shirin writes, "We are starting to make appointments now. We are grateful for your prayers as they pave the way for us to see the right doctors and get our lab work done on time."

5-6, Jasmine has been walking with Jesus for two months. Continue to pray for her growth.

* My paraphrase of 3 John 4, "I have no greater joy than to see that my daughter walks in truth." Oh, how I wish you could see her express herself in song and dance. She usually has a new song to sing to Jesus every night.

7, Pray that the cooking class will lead to fruit for the Kingdom.

* Shirin writes, "God is working. We have had this idea for six months now and have finally gotten a go ahead from the Girls Home Director to start the cooking classes this week."



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